Maximising Change Value: The true focus of your delivery community

Maximising Change Value: The true focus of yourdelivery community The definition of “value” is the regard in which something is held, the worth or importance that it brings.  We hear

Change and the modern PMO

Change and the “modern” PMO In this article we explore the relationship between the PMO and change management. Traditionally, the Project Management Office (PMO) can be three significant types: Supportive

CITI Beyond Method Spiral Curriculum

CITI Beyond Method® Spiral Curriculum CITI has been a leader in change, project and leadership capability development for almost 40 years. We are proud to have an established and successful

LPI Accreditation – 8 years in

Gold membership status and 8 years membership with The LPI Celebrating 8 years of excellence: We’re proud to receive a Gold Accreditation from The Learning and Performance Institute! We are

Change is just a word until we add meaning

Change is just a worduntil we add meaning Shine bright like a diamond! Change is just a word until we add meaning, context and explanation to it.  Change for change’s

APM Conference Hot Topics

APM Conference Hot Topics Back at the beginning of June, we were proud to exhibit at the APM Conference held in Coventry. The event spanned across 2 days, including an

Inspiring inclusion

Inspiring Inclusion A poem written by Kalpna Sanders ©️ Inspire inclusion in your teams It’s not as difficult as it seems It’s easy sometimes to just spend Life fearful, trying

We are recruiting a Course Delivery and Accreditations Manager

We’re hiring aCourse Delivery and Accreditations Manager The overview We are searching for a Course Delivery and Accreditations Manager to join our small but ambitious growing team here in Milton

We are recruiting a Client Change Enablement Lead

We’re hiring aClient Change Enablement Lead The overview We are searching for a Client Change Enablement Lead to join our small but ambitious growing team here in Milton Keynes to

Change management strategies

Change management strategies- saving ships and babies Saving ships Every boat or ship these days has a line painted on its side. That line has a name: the Plimsoll Line,
