Maximising Change Value: The true focus of your delivery community

Maximising Change Value: The true focus of yourdelivery community The definition of “value” is the regard in which something is held, the worth or importance that it brings.  We hear

CITI Beyond Method Spiral Curriculum

CITI Beyond Method® Spiral Curriculum CITI has been a leader in change, project and leadership capability development for almost 40 years. We are proud to have an established and successful

Change is just a word until we add meaning

Change is just a worduntil we add meaning Shine bright like a diamond! Change is just a word until we add meaning, context and explanation to it.  Change for change’s


Projectassurance and governance What is project assurance and governance? Investments in change are inherently speculative; we can’t be sure of their success. There is a risk to their desirability; the

Agile project management

Agileproject management What is agile project management? For the right types of projects, deploying agile project management development techniques will give significant (up to 30%) reductions in cost and time,


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Proven target operating model design

Proven targetoperating model design What is provent target operating model design? Proven target operating model design (TOM) is a high level view of the future state of the organisation at

HPCA first annual conference 2023

Healthcare Project and Change Association – HCPA first annual conference 2023 Date Location Wednesday 11th October 2023 Rochester Row, London What was the event about? Designed exclusively for Health and

HCPA Webinar 2023

28 SEP Healthcare Project and Change Association – HCPA – Webinar 2023 Change can be frightening for some people, exciting to others and tiring to those who feel its relentless.

Capability development with Cayman Islands Goverment

Capability development with Cayman Islands Government Cayman Islands Government – the Strategic Reform Implementation Unit (SRIU) – had recognised the critical importance of transparency in the selection and implementation of
