
If the plan always changes, then why bother planning? A client once asked a very challenging question – if the plan always …

Ripple effect learning – Just a drop in the ocean or… Part one of the ripple effect learning. How do you view your learning? …

Sponsoring change programmes in your organisation Projects need sponsors. If there weren’t any sponsors, there wouldn’t be many projects. But is the sponsor …

Is your organisation making the most of the ripple effect? Part two – How does your organisation view learning? Is the value of …

How to create a compelling business case successfully Credibility is the key aspect of a compelling business case or indeed any business …

Great benefit analysts – Finding the unicorn! Some years ago we published the results of a survey. These focused on what the key …

4 tips to developing a growth mindset Your mindset has the ability to determine every aspect of your life. From the way …

White elephant projects I recently had an interesting conversation with our IT manager, who wanted to know why many IT projects ended …

Making change wanted One in three people would avoid change if they could. Whilst this figure in itself is alarming, it can …

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