
When, not if, to use Agile project management approaches Agile is a hot topic at the moment. Agile approaches in software-intense developments …

Stop looking for a superhero project manager I have a memory passed down via family members. As a 9-year old when I …

Project benefits – Who needs them? For how long have project pundits been exhorting companies to write better business cases or even …

Taxonomy for project benefits part two – Strategic benefits As I said before, if projects had clear and consistent statements about project benefits, they’d be …

Taxonomy for project benefits part one – Financial benefits If project business cases had clear and consistent statements about the anticipated benefits, …

Developing a better understanding of project benefits Are you and your organisation realising and understanding project benefits as a matter of course?  I …

How do you assess project management skills and capability? When is a project manager not a project manager? When it’s a Business …

Effective project management challenges We have consistently warned against a process-dominated approach to run effective project management. We challenge project managers to …

In change management, nothing stays the same… Although the concept of change has been around for thousands of years, it’s only been …

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