International Women's Day Webinar with APM
The details
Date: Tuesday 5th March 2024
Time: 12-13:00
Location: Online Webinar
Who hosted?
This year, the Association for Project Management hosted two events for International Women’s Day 2024. We’re proud to have CITI Limited CEO, Kalpna Sanders as the keynote speaker for the online webinar.
What was the event about?
The online webinar gathered project professionals to discuss this year’s International Women’s Day theme: Inspiring Inclusion.
“The APM Women in Project Management SIG and Scotland Branch are pleased to bring to you the first of its events marking International Women’s Day 24 #InspireInclusion
There is extensive research on the benefits of embracing workplace diversity that leads to higher project and organisational performance. Simply focussing on recruiting a diverse workforce is not enough to expect that people will automatically collaborate, connect, resolve conflicts, or innovate as a cohesive unit. To generate exceptional outcomes, people need to work in an inclusive atmosphere where they can belong, contribute and thrive.
Studies show a profound connection between inclusive leadership and employee experiences of inclusion that result in employees feeling more valued, trusted, authentic, and psychologically safe at work.
This webinar will discuss inspiring inclusion within projects and programmes, with practical tools and tips that you can implement to improve your inclusive leadership skills to support diverse recruitment and retention strategies.”
Inspiring Inclusion poem ©️
Kalpna surprised everyone with a poem she wrote personally at the end. Take a read for yourself by clicking here
Some highlights from the event

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