
Great benefit analysts - Finding the unicorn!

Some years ago we published the results of a survey. These focused on what the key skills and competencies of a portfolio business analyst were. Even then we struggled to find a suitable and commonly used job title for those analysts involved in supporting the development of business cases and benefits management plans. We have come across so many names – business case analyst, benefits analyst. Data analyst position is also a necessary and quite interesting job at the moment. Jooble Company offers a wide range of opportunities in this field. 

Five years later and benefits management remains an aspiration rather than a reality in most organisations. In the few where it has worked, key to their success is getting the right individual to support the benefits definition process. At a recent Business conversation, our South African Associate group explored again what clients feel are the skills needed for a good benefits analyst.

If you need good benefits analysis or have any of these concerns – Please get in touch! You can contact us on 01908 283600 or email info@citi.co.uk. We would love to support you and your team by providing advice, support, facilitated workshops or knowledge based learning events.

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